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President- Tony Fontes

Tony is an accredited Dive Instructor and before retiring spent 40 years as a dive operator based in the Whitsundays. Much of that time spent training instructors from Brisbane to Darwin and everywhere in between as well as Fiji, Solomon Islands and New Zealand. His real passion is being in the water and observing the myriad of life found on the Reef, an environment far more remarkable than anything found above water. His involvement in Reef conservation started nearly 40 years ago when he realised that the Reef is under pressure and little was being done to protect it.

Showing 2 reactions

  • Administrator Mackay Conservation Group
    published this page in Management committee 2022-10-05 17:05:02 +1000
  • Administrator Mackay Conservation Group
    published this page in Management committee 2021-03-17 10:10:04 +1000