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Pages tagged "climate"

Air Quality Standards

 air_quality.jpgAir quality standards in Australia are in dire need of improvement. The Australian State, Territory and Commonwealth governments are currently reviewing the existing standards which outline ‘safe’ levels of exposure from a variety of air pollution sources.  

This gives us an opportunity to ask the Federal Environment Minister (Greg Hunt) to improve our air quality standards so we can have the cleanest air possible. 

An estimated 3,000 premature Australian deaths are linked to poor air quality and if these standards are improved, lives could be saved.

The coal mining industry is our Australia’s main source of particle pollution, and they have admitted that their emissions have grown by a massive 187% in the last ten years. These standards need to be changed.  Please sign the petition below calling for stronger air quality standards.

Raise the Heat on Commbank

CBALogo_RED_Final_AK.pngMackay Conservation Group has joined with and over 40 local groups around the country on a national week of actions next week called Raise the Heat on Commbank. We’d love you to be involved - check out all the details below.

Now is an important time to step things up and put CommBank’s reputation on the line -either they publicly rule out their involvement OR they face a creative and unrelenting campaign.

In Mackay, we have events planned from the Monday to the Friday, and Friday will be the big day where we hope as many people as possible will come. We would love you to join in, and invite your friends and family along too. To get involved, please email our fantastic volunteer Tiffany Harrison at [email protected], or contact her on 042629978.

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Energy Futures with Tim Buckley and Amanda Cahill

We had a great turn out at our event with Tim Buckley and Amanda Cahilll at the MECC on Tuesday April 14 with over 90 people. If you missed the event but want to hear what they had to say, you can check out their intervieTim_with_crowd.jpgw with Kim Kleidon on ABC Tropical North. Tim has also generously shared his presentation which you download here.

Amanda did a great presentation on how communities can work together to build resilient local economies. There were a number of people at that event interested in continuing to work on developing an economic transition, please get in touch if you'd like to be a part of this.

There were heaps of questions and comments from the audience, right is a picture of Tim continuing the conversation with members of the Mackay community.

Energy Futures with Tim Buckley

tim.jpgFinancial analyst Tim Buckley will be in Mackay on April 14 talking about the future of global energy markets from coal and gas through to renewable energy and what this means for our region. Tim is very knowledgeable and an excellent public speaker who explains global energy trends in easy to understand language.

Free event, all welcome - to RSVP go to the event page!

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MCG challenges Adani's environmental record

In January this year, MCG launched a legal challenge to Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt’s approval of the Carmichael coal mine. We said that Greg Hunt ignored the contribution of the mine to increased greenhouse gasses and climate change.

Last week we added a further ground to our challenge. Reading over the documents from the case, it was clear that Greg Hunt had chosen to ignore Adani’s poor environmental record in India, even though he knew that Adani had recently been found guilty of violating India’s environment laws in connection with their development at the Mundra Port.

You can read media coverage of this latest addition to our case in the Courier Mail, the Guardian, and the Sydney Morning Herald and at the ABC online.

Getup! travelled to India to talk to people who are living with the environmental devastation at Adani’s Indian port, click below to watch the video.


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new proposal for dredge spoil dumping at Abbot Point

On 11 March the new government announced their new proposal for the Abbot Point expansion, which shifted dredge spoil from the Caley Valley wetlands to a site immediately adjacent on the former site of terminal 2.


The series of new proposals at Abbot Point are the result of community, scientific and international concern about the compatibility of expanding coal export infrastructure at a time when the health of the Great Barrier Reef is in serious decline.

No-one wants to see increased sediment in the wetlands and the Reef as a result of the new proposal. The new development at Abbot Point was discussed at our last volunteer meeting and the views of the MCG volunteers on the new proposal are summarised at our website. Comments welcome.

The following summarises a discussion at a Mackay Conservation Group volunteers meeting on Thursday 19 March. Please leave any comments below:


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Taking water for make good agreements

One question that has attracted little to no attention in the controversy about make good agreements for the dewatering of groundwater by the coal and gas industry is where will the mining industry will find the water to meet make good agreement requirements?

I recently prepared an EPBC Referral submission on the Galilee Water Pty Ltd. proposal to take water through two initial diversions from the Cape and Campaspe Rivers in the upper reaches of the Burdekin River and store it for water supply to the Galilee Basin. Galilee Water is a dollar company headed by Keith de Lacey the instigator of Cubbie Station which proposes to take up to 214,000ML/year[1]. That is 38 per cent of the volume of Sydney Harbour.


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Media Release: New legal challenge of Carmichael mine

MEDIA RELEASE: Thursday 15 January, 2015:
The Mackay Conservation Group (MCG), has launched court proceedings challenging Environment Minister Greg Hunt and mining company Adani Enterprises over the approval of the controversial Carmichael coal mine in Queensland. 

MCG will be represented in this case by EDO NSW, a community legal centre specialising in public interest environmental matters. 

MCG is calling for the July 2014 approval to be rendered invalid on the grounds the Minister failed under his duty laid down by the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act to take down stream greenhouse gas emissions from the mine into account.

If successful, this test case could change how governments assess fossil fuel projects such as coal mines.
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Make your submission on the Abbot Point coal terminal

The Queensland government wants to dredge 1.7 million cubic metres from the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and then dump this material into settling ponds in the Caley Valley wetlands, wiping out habitat for endangered and migratory birds and risking sediment running back into the Reef.

If you have two minutes, please make a submission to Greg Hunt:


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#noadanihandouts launched!

In response to news last week that the Queensland government would be forking out hundreds of millions of dollars for Adani's rail project to connect controversial mines in the Galilee Basin with the Abbot Point coal terminal, on 27 November we launched #noadanihandouts, a photo petition to the Queensland government about all the things you'd rather see instead of handouts to massive mining companies.



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