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adani_exposed_final.pngThis week, ABC 4 Corners exposed the web of opaque company structures,  dodgy dealings, environmental vandalism and political protection that surrounds Adani’s operations in India.
You can watch the program on IView if you missed it!
Adani denies everything, and while they are currently under investigation in India for money laundering, tax evasion and price gouging, allegations similar to these have been investigated in the past and all charges have disappeared before penalties were imposed.
Adani is a company that seems to wield undue influence over the police, customs and politicians in India.  We cannot allow this behaviour to infect our political system here.  
Already Adani has been given free water, royalty free coal and wants a $1 billion loan.  We want to save the Great Barrier Reef, and protect our climate.  Our aims are incompatible with Adani in Australia.

What can you do TODAY!

SHARE your outrage on your social media networks
PHONE or email our politicians - list below.

When:    Saturday 7th October 9.00 to 11.00am

Where:  Lambert’s Beach Lookout Pacific Esplanade, Slade Point

Please RSVP - it would be great if this was a huge event.

Hon Annastacia Palaszczuk  Premier of Queensland

Phone: (07) 3719 7000    Email: [email protected]

Hon Curtis Pitt   Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment

Phone: (07) 3719 7200   Email: [email protected]

Hon Dr Steven Miles Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection and Minister for National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef 

Phone: (07) 3719 7330    Email: [email protected]

Mrs Julieanne Gilbert   Member for Mackay (ALP)

Phone: (07) 4960 7100    Email: [email protected]

Mr James (Jim) Pearce   Member for Mirani (ALP)

Phone: (07) 4806 0700            Email: [email protected]

Mr Jason Costigan   Member for Whitsunday (LNP)

Phone: (07)9   Email: [email protected]

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  • Deep Rishi
    commented 2017-10-10 17:20:12 +1000
    The 4 Corners story makes it appear that India is some kind of banana republic. India has an independent media judiciary police and military. The fact of the matter is that Stephen Long travelled to India on a journalist visa and as per the law he had to take permission to film from the authorities. He didn’t take permission and proceeded to shoot in an area close to the border.The guy basically broke the law. How would Australians react if an Indian journalist took photographs close to sensitive area? You can’t have double standards. Adani’s don’t have a single case against them all the allegations hurled at that them are unsubstantiated. Adani’s have JVs with several US based companies who are bound by the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act if there was a single case against the Adani’s the US companies couldn’t have entered into the JV. The campaign against the Adani’s is a hate campaign in which the Indian opposition political parties are happy to support to score brownie points. Fossil fuels are bad but only targeting the Adani project shows that there are vested interests at play. Australia produces some of the cleanest coal unlike the coal the Chinese extract from mines in Africa. It is those companies and the US that contributes most to global warming and ecological destruction and not Australia. Australia is mining based economy and someone wants to destroy the Australian economy and the Greens are playing into their hands.