Parliament is inviting individuals and organisations to make a submission to help strengthen and support their inquiry into the current and future impacts of climate change on our built environment.
As temperatures rise to levels unprecedented in human existence, it is questionable if Australia’s current housing, building and infrastructure will withstand the predicted climatic changes and the extreme weather events that it will entail.
From the recent devastation of cyclone Debbie, causing approximately $2 billion of damages to private and public infrastructure, to the life shattering impacts of the 2008 floods leaving nearly two thousand residents and businesses inundated with water, the Mackay community is definitely no stranger to the costly wrath of Mother Nature.
With various climatic scenarios predicted, you can help support the resilience of the region by making a submission. Sharing your opinions and proposals will greatly assist the Mackay community, and beyond, to be more adaptable and manageable in the face of an inevitably changing future.
The inquiry includes impacts on a range of matters including water supply, transportation, energy infrastructure, health, education and housing and the adequacy of current state and Commonwealth policies to address climate change impacts.
For further information on the inquiry and how and where to make a submission, click here!
Submissions close on the 16th of August.