Most of us lack the time or the wherewithall to become Climate Activists but that doesn’t mean we can’t contribute to a cause we feel passionately about. We can let friends, strangers and politicians know how we feel and what we want by displaying a CLIMATE ACTION NOW sign on our property, bin or bumper.
We're just beginning our campaign for urgent climate action in Mackay. We want lots and lots of posters on our fences, stickers on our bins and bumper stickers on cars and bikes to raise interest in the issue of climate change in Mackay and demand politicians to take action.
We need 100 people to sign up for our initial batch of signs. We want you to be one of them. Over the next six months we want to see hundreds of signs in each of Mackay's suburbs. Eventually you won't be able to go anywhere in Mackay without seeing the CLIMATE ACTION NOW message.
Click here to register. Once we have 100 orders, we will start distributing the signs.