Lindeman Island Update
Back in July White Horse Australia released its draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for its Lindeman Island resort project. The company proposed to resurrect the defunct Lindeman Island resort and proposed that nearly four square kilometres of the national park be revoked as part of the development.
Mackay Conservation Group and other environment organisations raised concerns that the temporary leases over the national park were to become perpetual. That would set a precedent for national park land to be traded for tourism developments.
We launched a petition calling for the Queensland Parliament to reject revocation of any part of Lindeman Island National Park and to ensure the national park is properly managed so as to protect its exceptional values.
Environment Minister, Dr Steven Miles, has responded to the petition and said that no revocation will occur unless there is a 'net conservation benefit'. The developer has now been given the opportunity to respond to comments made on its EIS. We'll keep you informed about any further information that comes to light.
Environmental Defenders Regional Tour
Come and find out about your rights to be involved in development decisions – from major projects (like ports and mines like Adani Carmichael mine!) to urban developments under planning laws, that impact our trees, wildlife, coastline and Reef.
The law is a powerful tool for helping you to have your concerns meaningfully heard!
EDO solicitors Tania Heber and Revel Pointon are keen to meet you on our regional tour as we make our way from Mission Beach, to Townsville, Airlie Beach and Mackay.
In this session, Tania and Revel will be providing a simple guide to how you can make the most use of your powers to influence decisions that affect your environment and community.
Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) lawyers are experts in environment and planning laws. We provide free legal advice, education and representation to the community to help you use your legal powers to protect the environment and your community’s health.
There will be time for questions and discussions on issues of particular interest to you and your local community.
We look forward to seeing you!
Climate Campaigner comes to Mackay

Sustainability Social
Friday 27th Oct - 5pm Mojos rooftop bar - 2 Sydney St Mackay
It's back!
Sustainability Social is a chance to meet and catch up with fellow friends of the planet!
It ain't easy being green - so let's get together for a cold one and some laughs on the last Friday of every month!
Cheap drinks, tasty treats, a great view and even better company! Everyone is welcome so make sure you bring all your friends!
Kids welcome until 7pm (hotel rules).
See you there!
State government grabs 3568 hectares of agricultural land for Adani
In an appalling move that is more special treatment for Adani, the Queensland government has compulsorily acquired 3568 hectares of agricultural land for the company's private rail line.
The government has also granted free, unlimited and unregulated access to groundwater and allowed a royalties holiday worth $320 million of Queensland taxpayer money.
The mine will extract up to 12,000 million litres of water every year from waterways, diverting up to 720 billion litres away from creeks and rivers over the life of the mine. Modelling demonstrates that two springs will be shut down, which would be a massive blow to rural communities that rely on groundwater sources.
In Queensland, water is our most precious resource, both for environmental health and for agricultural use. It supports regional communities and economies and should not be left in the hands of a company that has a demonstrated history of environmental abuse, both here and overseas.
We have set up a petition to Qld Premier Palaszczuk, calling on her to protect our land and our water from an untrustworthy company like Adani, and revoke the decision made by the Coordinator General to compulsorily acquire land for Adani.
Sign the petition here. Please share the petition by Facebook and email and ask your friends to sign as well.