It's going to be a big year for the campaign to save the Great Barrier Reef from coal ports. This Thursday we're inviting all new and existing volunteers to a campaign information night and strategy session.
When: Thursday 13 February at 6pm
Where: 156 Wood Street
As you know, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority approved the dumping of dredge spoil at Abbot Point and there has been outrage expressed across the country. There are events in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Perth today about the decision. The campaign for the Reef has gone national and as people who live alongside the GBR our voice is crucial.
Below is a photograph from our event outside the GBRMPA office on January 24th.
We did have this meeting planned for 30 January, but then were struck by Cyclone Dylan!
Some topics for discussion on Thursday:
1. connecting with other groups in our area, such as in the Whitsundays, who are concerned about Abbot Point
2. what is the situation for the Dudgeon Point proposal and what should we be doing about it
3. our coal dust monitoring project
4. volunteer roles such as website updates and facebook, community engagement
The outcome of the meeting will be activities and actions for the next few months!
For more information contact Ellen on 0408 583 694 or Gemma on 0423 044 431.