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Climate Action - Action Planning

Come along for our second Climate Action meeting and help shape the next phase of climate action in Mackay!

We'll be planning actions based off the ideas, comments and thoughts shared by our community - so come along to make sure your voice is heard!


This event begins at 5:45PM (AEST) for a 6PM (AEST) start.


June 15, 2022 at 5:45pm - 7pm
Environment Centre
156 Wood St
Mackay, QLD 4740
Google map and directions
Connor Bennett · · 0477997392
Alison Friswell Tyson Willoughby Peter McCallum Brooke Mcreynolds Connor Bennett
Who's RSVPing
Alison Friswell
Tyson Willoughby
Peter McCallum
Brooke Mcreynolds
Connor Bennett

Will you come?

Showing 5 reactions

  • Alison Friswell
    rsvped 2022-06-06 18:59:13 +1000
  • Tyson Willoughby
    rsvped 2022-06-01 18:51:51 +1000
  • Peter McCallum
    rsvped 2022-06-01 15:06:09 +1000
  • Brooke Mcreynolds
    rsvped 2022-06-01 13:11:35 +1000
  • Connor Bennett
    rsvped 2022-06-01 10:28:19 +1000