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Next Stop Adani Mackay meeting & campaign signup.

Lets make 2019 the year we Stop Adani!

Getting involved is as easy as showing up to our next organising meeting at the Mackay Conservation Group office at 5.30pm Thursday the 7th of February.

Join the Mackay Stop Adani team today to get involved with our rapidly growing campaign team of writers, event organisers, stall holders, campaign coordinators, social media warriors, community campaigners and dedicated volunteers.

Can't make the meeting? Sign up to join the campaign here and one of our organisers will call you.


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  • Leonardo E. Ortega
    commented 2019-01-14 18:22:15 +1000
    The campaign against the Adani project is very important, but the fracking in the Northern Territory will affect the largest area in Australia, with low population, so it’s invisible to the main national concern, and that’s how the gas lobby and right wing politicians are taking advantage and advancing with this devastating plan without a national scandal. We, who live here, and all the Central Desert and Top End Aboriginal Nations need this environmental organisation and all Australians to be aware and loud about this insane and destructive business! Please, add it to the top of your priorities, we are not many, but this cannot be about marketing and funding, this is a matter of principles and human rights. Thank you.