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The Climate Change Election

Central Queenslanders are feeling the impacts of climate change. The region suffered through the hottest summer on record that inflicted seemingly endless weeks of extreme heat, wild fires in Eungella National Park and unprecedented flooding that is estimated to have killed half a million cattle or more in the Townsville region.

Unfortunately the Australian government’s response to this is to open up the Galilee Basin to build Adani’s Carmichael coal mine and up to 8 more mega coal mines in the region.

The carbon emissions from these mines were they to go ahead would increase dangerous climate change here in Australia but all around the world with devastating consequences.

Fortunately with your help we have been able to make this the Adani/climate election but there is still two weeks to go and we need to keep up the pressure.

Here are a few things you can do in the Mackay region to let our leaders know that they must Stop Adani!

  • Attend a Stop Adani Mackay organising meeting  or volunteer to participate in one of our many election events, community stalls and actions here.
  • Host a Defend our Water – Not One Drop for Adani yard sign. People who already agree with us will know that they are not alone and election candidates will see it and know that the #StopAdani movement is everywhere! Order one here.
  • Write letters to the local paper or attend our Wednesday morning letter writing workshops at the MCG office by contacting [email protected]
  • Write to, visit or contact your local MP and candidates and make sure they know how you feel about making 2019 the year we Stop Adani!


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