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Media Release: Mackay Rally For Our Reef

Media Release

15 April 2021

Mackay Rally For Our Reef

Concerned community members call on Queensland Government to reject Clive-Palmer owned Central Queensland Coal Project

Mackay community members gathered for a Mackay Rally For Our Reef at Bluewater Quay today (Thursday 15 April 2021), where they called for the Queensland government to reject the proposed Clive Palmer-owned Central Queensland Coal Project, which would be located just 10 Kilometres from the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.


Mackay Rally For Our Reef community members with signs and reef themed props

Mackay resident Tonia Binsiar attended the rally and said  “I came here today because I don’t think it’s ok to be putting a coal mine by a tidal river that leads into Queensland's biggest fish habitat.”

The Independent Expert Scientific Committee that reviewed the project slammed the proposal, saying the coal mine would present “very significant risks” to the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and the Broad Sound Fish Habitat Area. The Broad Sound is Queensland’s largest fish habitat and on the Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia.

There are also concerns for wildlife such as Koalas and Greater Gliders that inhabit the area. Central Queensland Coal has acknowledged that direct fauna mortality may occur.

Mackay Conservation Group campaigner, Sunny Hungerford, said “Mackay Conservation Group is calling on the Queensland Environment Minister, Meaghan Scanlon, to completely reject the project before the 28th of April. 

“We are also asking our local MP, Julieanne Gilbert, to urge the government to follow the expert scientific advice that raises serious concerns that this project may cause unacceptable damage to our environment.”

Today a new report from a group of  respected scientists was released. The Aim High, Go Fast- Why emissions need to plummet this decade report concludes that no new coal mines should be opened. 

“The Great Barrier Reef, marine life and fisheries are already suffering from climate change, the last thing they need is more pollution from a new coal mine right by the coast, said Ms Hungerford

“This mine would be located only 10 kilometres from the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. We are particularly concerned that pollution from the mine could escape, threatening the Broad Sound, seagrass, turtles, dolphins, dugongs and the Great Barrier Reef itself.” 


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Media Contact:

Sunny Hungerford

Mackay Conservation Group

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 0499 203 431

Office: 07 4953 0808

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  • Sunny Hungerford
    published this page in Media Releases 2021-04-15 22:15:16 +1000